E7EVEN - you b******s

So, my ISP has just gone out of business. To continue I was "forced" (by re-direction) to sign up to someone masquerading under the Tiscali banner - EzeeDSL


andyelcomb said…
You're not alone there - exactly the same situation.
Couldn't be arsed to rig up the dialup system again (after doing it earlier in the year thanks to E7's "upgrading"), so went along with the eezedsl site.

Have to say it did get me back online pretty quick but I'm not convinced it's the best priced package about.
Might stick it for the year and then revamp the whole telephony thing.

Have completed the online E7 refund request - will be very interesting to see how much of my owed £130 turns up (or when). Suppose I'll have to contact my credit card co. and try and claim that way if nothings happens within the month.

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