Could this be it - 5 (part ii)?

Why a second part you ask? I've had an on-going, err, conversation with British Gas (or Miss Bash as my Dad once said when they rang him up once - he was a bit mutton was my Dad). It all started with a bill for the Bungalow Gas for Quarter One of £200 based on an estimated reading. This I paid 'cos "It'll all get sorted out when you give us an accurate reading".

"Hello, here's my accurate reading"
Letter: "You owe us £160 for Quarter Two based on an estimated reading"

Now, before I go on, remember that ringing up Miss Bash is like having a conversation with someone who is currently in orbit around Saturn. There's a 20 - 30 minute delay each time you ring 'em up and wait in the "queue" listening to good advice like "Please light the gas once you turn it on", and "Please don't stick your head in the oven" (I know why they add that one). Not to mention the time(s) that the damn battery in the phone failed after 19 minutes and 50 seconds.

"Err, hello, I've given you a reading, what's this bill all about?"
"Don't worry" says Miss x (name deleted to protect the most guilty) "it's fine, don't worry"
Letter: "You really do owe us £160 based on an estimated reading"
"Don't worry" says Miss y (same reason) "it's been noted on the account, it's all fine"
Letter this morning: "Pay up you bastard, or we'll take you to court, cut off the gas and charge you another £200 for the privilege"
"Don't worry" says Miss z (probably her real name) "I've changed the computer as we speak"

And so, I'm sure, it will go on.

Now I don't care. It's no longer my problem, it's the bloke who's buying the bungalow - "SEP" as Douglas Adams would have it. They can cut the gas off as I don't live there and take me to court - I have transcripts of the conversations (ok, this blog, but you get the idea).

Apparently, their computer thinks I need to send them a cheque for minus £300 which is what they owe me...


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