Spiralling cost of error fixing story

Ok, now this tale comes from a lecture I attended at Swansea University in about 1975. Truth is, I don't know if it was made up by the lecturer, whose name I forget, or whether it's a fact.

Googling comes up with nothing.

Anyhow, here it is.

The subject was "How much does an error cost to fix?". The lecturer wrote a single line of FORTRAN code on the board:

DO 10 I = 1,3

"Now when the programmer took this down to be punch-carded onto Hollerith cards the typist made a mistake. They entered:

DO 10 I = 1.3

How much to fix the change from a full-stop to a comma?"

A long discussion followed - nothing if the programmer had spotted the mistake by checking the card immediately, more if it was found during testing and finally a lot if the project had already been delivered.

He gave us the answer:

"$50,000,000. It was in the aerial alignment code of NASA's Pioneer spacecraft. It should loop 3 times to line "10 CONTINUE" in an attempt to acquire a lost uplink signal. However, this error proceeded to set set a variable "DO10I" and set it to 1.3. So the link was lost with subsequent loss of a $50m spacecraft."

I can't remember, was it Pioneer? Was it $50m?

I don't know. If someone remembers this, or actually were in that lecture, then please make a comment.


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