Formula One: One, Max: Zero

Just how long had all this gone on for? I mean this ridiculous 'budget-cap-breakaway-threat' mess that Formula 1 has got itself into? I read with great interest today and some relief that Max has finally announced that "it's all been sorted out". Fortunately, "sorted out" also includes a new FIA president in October ;-).

I was watching Eddie Jordan before Sunday's race (Silverstone) and he remarked to Bernie Ecclestone something along the lines of "can't you just go and bang a few heads together?"

It reminded me of that great Fawlty Towers sketch:

To Manuel1:
Pointing to Sybil: "This, Basil's wife."
Pointing to himself: "This, Basil. This, smack on head."

Now why couldn't they have done that earlier?

1Substitute names as you think appropriate!


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