i3 or not i3

My beloved Garmin i3 broke the other day - some cheap aerial I bought a while back on eBay left the plug part in the socket part and, despite valiant efforts with a pair of tweezers and eventually a soldering iron, I couldn't get the bit out. Ok, so it works without an aerial; in fact I don't actually use an aerial in any of my cars so really there's no difference...

But, I do use the aerial for Renaults and going-on-holiday-cars and this is where it all started. I drove Mum & Dad-In-Law to Southampton last week in their Renault and that did have a metallised windscreen hence the aerial, hence the bugger-it's-just-bust aerial.

Now, it costs about £75 to have it fixed and, more importantly the maps are 2 years out of date, and they're about £60 for the latest update. Ergo, a new Garmin please.

I tried this logic on the wife who asked me this important question - "What's wrong with the old one then?".

Never mind.


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