<expletive deleted>

Since coming back from Las Vegas last week (more on this later) I noticed that my Internet speed was very slow, stupidly slow in fact - speedtest.net reckoned it was about 0.1Mbps download!

I phoned BT Broadband Technical no-Support, presumably in India, there were a few clues to this.

"Hello, my broadband is very slow."
"Who are you, what is you phone number, what is you first line of address, have you tried resetting it, I will test line, line is OK, it's 8Mbps, have you tried our BT speed test?"
"Yes, I've tried all that"
"Oh OK, thank you for calling BT."

I read something about the exchange throttling and then resetting after 3 days. I waited 3 days and during that time I just about managed to watch a BT video on YouTube about wiring and the like.

I tried again, and rang them back and got the same stupid-reading-it-off-the-crib-sheets reply. I tried everything - swapping ADSL filters, PC's and even got the same speed when the hub was plugged into their test socket which is behind the BT master socket in the hall1.

I tried this a total of 4 times, each time the same stupid bloke (or clone thereof) reading the same stupid cribs sheet and it wasted about 20 minutes of my life each time.

I finally lost it (slightly).

"Look, it's your bloody equipment plugged into your sodding phone socket connected to your f'ing exchange. It's your damn fault!"

I rang back with a view to cancelling the whole thing. I even wondered if they were doing it deliberately to make you buy their new super-duper fast broadband.

"Hello, thank you for calling BT, what is you problem?"
"Look, just put me through to your supervisor!"
"Hello, supervisor here, I can see from you previous calls that you problem is slow broadband. Our line is fine, I have just test and get 7.4Mbps. I think you router is faulty. Use another router, here is you BT Broadband user name and password to use with you router that you used before you use BT Homehub."
"Thank you very much."
"You welcome."

Bingo - 5.05Mbps.

If any one from BT reads this then remember the old adage: If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
How many customers do you loose because your technical support is so much crap that people loose the will to live?

PS. I'll blog about Vegas later now that I've got my Internet back...

1Don't try this at home.


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