National, Trust Wife With Camera (4,6)

We went to Scotney Castle today, very nice too. The house has "recently opened to the public" and has "been preserved for our National Heritage". However, what was real scary was that we walked around going "we had one of them in our house" and "my Mom had one of those too" and "I can date that Radio Rentals Telly for you if you like".

There was that defining moment somewhere in the master bathroom when we looked at the Dimplex Electric Fire on the wall and realised that our lives overlapped those of whom we had paid good money to see.

It gave me an idea. Shall I donate Mom's house to the National Trust?

I'm glad this wasn't me. Whilst waiting for entry to the house, my dear wife dropped the spare camera lens down the steps. Did you know that Nikon 55-200mm AF-S VR DX lens can bounce down three granite steps and survive? Neither did I until today.

I tested it when I got home. Now bear in mind that a D40 is an SLR and therefore what you see is what the lens sees. I took a shot and it was completely black even though it had auto-focused - weird. I was just about to ring the insurance people when I noticed the camera on "M"anual...


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