It's Monday, the Gasman has cometh

The Chuckle Brothers turned up this morning to pipe in the new fire. Usual stuff - "put this there", "miss that", "don't break the hearth" and the like and, "how do you want paying?".

"Put the kettle on, and we'll leave a note".

Fair enough, I left them wrestling with rolls of 8mm copper piping and various brass fittings that could have come from DS9.

I went home to find a note that (briefly) said "That'll be 90 quid please and we can't let you turn it on 'cos you need a 100mm2 airbrick in the room."

WTF? My neighbour had to have one drilled and it cost her an arm and a leg. I rang him up in a panic.

"Um, what's wrong with the airbrick in the ceiling that's already there?" There was a profound silence and then muffled conversation as Paul asked Barry how he missed it.

"Err, we'll come clean, we didn't spot it. How big is it?"
100mm2", I lied, "It's the one they fitted for the original back boiler."
"Oh that's fine then. Have a nice day."


(Actually, it 120mm
2, so no gassed cats then).


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