Citroen AX

Jeez, teenage sons. Having had some twat reverse into him on a roundabout and total the front, coupled with a blown heater matrix, we decided it was cheaper to buy another AX than repair the old one. Ok, go on eBay (again) and win a nice 1996 AX. Trouble was it was 298 miles away in the north of Blighty. Now when you a have a plan, you stick to it, don't you? So plan is to drive up to Durham at 2:00am and get there for about 8:00am so that we can fix anything and drive back by 5:00pm so son can go to work. I didn't bank on the daughter having *serious* pains in the stomach which required an ambulance at midnight Thursday.

"My stomach hurts"
...stalling tactics, including "...take an aspirin", 45 minutes later, "OK, I'll call an ambulance"
Nurse: "Your vital signs are just tickety-boo. Take a seat and wait"
...time passes 'till 4:00am.
Nurse: "You're next"
"Oh, I feel fine now"
Get home to sleep at about 5:10am.
Get to work 3 hours later.

No problem, I thinks, I'll just go to bed at about 7:30pm and wake up at 1:00am. At 7:29pm precisely there's a knock at the door.
"Have you remembered the Village Wine & Wisdom?" (quiz night)

Get to sleep at 11:30pm wake up at 1:00am to find son selling damaged AX for £60 to some guy he's just met in McDonalds.

Ok. It's not smart to drive when you've only had about 5 hours kip in the last 2 days is it? No. But you have to stick to the plan...

Did you know that the massive power station near Darlington on the A1M interferes in a big way with SatNav systems? It took mine out for about 3 miles.

The AX is just fine.
The daughter isn't 100% - need to sort that one out.

We won the Wine & Wisdom. It's not the taking part, you understand, it's the winning...


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