You say Sometime, I say Sametime

Laughing at your own jokes is a sure sign that you have no friends left. However, for some reason I found this so funny that I was genuinely crying with laughter. This is a "Sametime" conversation with my project manager (PM) regarding a contractor we were going to interview...

PM ptv?
PTV yo
PM can you do an interview with a guy on Friday 9.00 ish ?
PTV yes, but I have another chappie from CSI coming to see me at 11:00 for an "introductory visit"
PTV It would be good if you were there too...
PM ok
PM 9.00 to 11.00
PM ?
PTV ok
PM ok, setting it up , keep friday 9.00 to 11.00 am
PM free
PM ok, we are seeing him Friday AM speak Thursday - the guy is called Franco
PTV Franco. As in furter?
PM franco as in italian from sicily
PM flying in Thursday 5.00pm
PM more details to follow
PM speak thursday
PM - bye
PTV shit - the mafia?
PM don't
PM use
PM that
PM word
PM mafia
PM we refer to them as the family
PM from now on
PM but yes

I then decided the guy was called "Frank o'Furter" from the Irish arm of the Mafia. It was at that point my colleagues had to get out the emergency oxygen supply.


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