How good is this?

Part The First.

(Tuesday) 08:50 Arrive at work via lift from wife.

08:52 "Um, hello Mercedes dealer, I've broken a stud in the turbo on my smart roadster, can you fix please?"
"(sigh) I suppose so, bring it in tomorrow."
"Ah. I can't drive it 'cos it ain't got no exhaust on it."
"Err, do you want to take advantage of the smart recovery service? Here's the number."

08:54 *ring*. Explain. Counter-explain about costing money and AA Recovery service.
08:55 *ding* Text. "Hello it's the AA here we'll be at your house at 09:05"
08:55 and 30 seconds. "Sh*t, give us the keys to the beamer pool car! Gotta go!"
09:05 *ring*. "It's the AA man, where are you?"
09:05 and 30 seconds. Wave to AA man. AA man puts roadster on trailer.
09:20 Drive back to work.

10:00 *ring* "It's Mercedes, your car's just arrived, we'll take a look at it now, not tomorrow."
10:30 *ring* "It's Mercedes here, it'll cost £500 + VAT for starters because we've go to drop the turbo off and drill out the stud. And, normally all the manifold studs break so it generally scraps the head, so that's another lot of money + VAT."
"F***, what choice do I have?"

Part The Second

(Thursday) 15:30 *ring* "It's Mercedes, your car's all fixed. We took the entire car off the engine sub-assembly instead of removing the turbo. That's £330 inc. VAT instead."
"Don't mention it."

I would like to thank Barry of Mercedes Benz, Maidstone for not stitching me up (too much).


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