"Follow that Cow!"

We went to the smart festival yesterday. I almost threw away the invite - well, you do don't you? Something shiny drops through your door with "You have been invited..." written on it, you think "Oh, 'eck another bloody scam..."

Anyway, I registered by pure chance - I rang up the FreeFone number to "...get more information..." and ended up being told that "...if I didn't register, I wouldn't be eligible for my free bacon sandwich" at the Merc dealer from where we were going to start.

Already I had slight misgivings. This was the smart festival, not the smart roadster festival. "Going up together" meant "going up in convoy". I'd done this before with the Yanks - '55 Cadillacs only do about 50 flat out, we used to do about 45. smart 600cc ForTwo's ain't that quick.

Sure enough, we ended up going down the M26 at *precisely* 40 mph - much to the annoyance of foreign lorry drivers who just had to overtake us. I estimated we had about 60 vehicles which made an interesting sight.

When we got to Mercedes Benz World at the old Brooklands racing circuit, I spoke to a lady driving a Crossblade (look 'em up). "Oh!" she said, "we had a real tube going there!". Tube? WTF? Then it dawned on me in the same way crashing the B Ark on Earth dawned on Ford Prefect (look that up too).

"Oooh, I see, Smarties In A Tube".

My wife and I gently exited stage left; "oh what's that over there? c'mon let's look", she said. "That's another ForTwo", I replied. She grabbed me by the arm, "Let's look at it anyway..."

Oh, this cow:

In case you didn't bother, this is a Crossblade. They made 1200 of them.


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