Log Burners an' all that

Following on from the removal of the old heating system we (OK, I) decided that we should fill the hole where the gas fire was with a nice log-burner. Now, these aren't cheap. The fire is reasonable but the flue is about £100 per metre.

I called in the experts.

A very nice man called Simon1 turned up yesterday. He had a nice pair of black trousers, a nice black roll-neck top and a nice black suitcase. Very similar in fact to the Milk Tray advert man.

He decided that fitting a log burner here was very expensive and very difficult. And the flue is sooo expensive at £150 per metre, "and that's plus VAT you know".

"Um, is that a different flue then?, never mind, carry on"
"Oh, I'll just have to call in the fitter to see if it's possible."

...and he flounced off, pissed off that he never got to show me his marvellous glossy bro-shures.

Previously I had called in a man from Gillingham. He is a chimney sweep and sold & fitted fires too. He turned up, ingrained with soot. He took one look.

"Yup. Tricky, but we can do it, flue is £100 per metre, let me know"

Guess who I'm calling in?

1Yes, in this case, it's his real name.


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