I hate Micro$oft

It's like this - "Control Panel / Add/Remove programs" shows small icons down the left and bugger all anywhere else. In other words, you've got no hope in Hell to add/remove/update anything. Would you like to know how to fix it? Yup? You re-install Internet Explorer. Go figure.

Also, I've just watched England lose in style to Croatia 2-3. Hey ho.

I'm one of the people on the "Lost 25m Child Benefit Records" and, to put the icing on the damn cake, my exactly-one-year-and-three-day-old-your-guarantee-has-just-run-out O2 sensors on the Mustang are returning EEC IV codes 41 & 91. Go Google 'em, sorry, I can't be bothered to explain...

More wine? Yes please.


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