Decking - i

Now I've said this already, but here's a resume: Decking is where conservatory wants to be, so dismantle decking and pile in a heap alongside the garage; build conservatory and stop for the Winter.

The plan is to have the decking outside the kitchen and finished by the time the weather gets nice - which could be March if we believe the "global warming" protagonists. I start by levelling the ground (slight exaggeration) by removing the grass + top soil - which incidentally, I estimate to be about 4 tonnes - and removing the old sloping concrete path.

Well, we've had lot of rain recently haven't we? By the time I get the ground even half level I begin to understand the purpose of Wellington Boots and why ground and/or trench warfare is totally pointless.

I trot off to the local timber yard to order some BOW's1 for the frame and spot a pile of "proper" decking top.

"How much"

"90p per metre. It's all reject because there's knot holes an' stuff in it - but if you're doing diagonal boards, you could get away with it because the shorter boards can come out of the long ones and so you'll only need about 6 good boards for the long runs..."


1Bits Of Wood


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