Bureaucracy gone sideways.

Sometimes you have a nagging feeling that you're forgetting something. Mine was last night about the tax on the Mustang. Yup, DVLA says it ran out at the end of March. Okey dokey, go to "Tax Vehicle Online" and armed with logbook, MOT and credit card I enter the 97 digits required (slight exaggeration to prove point). "Ah ha" it says, you can't do this here - go to the Post Office. No, I'll ring up instead - 10 minutes and 66 menu levels later I get through to a very nice advisor who explains that due to "The Budget" change most of the vehicle records are in the process of being updated - go to the Post Office instead she says.

"But how will they know how much to charge? If I can't tax it via you guys, the local Post Office has got no chance!"
"Oh no, their computers are updated the day after the Budget..."


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