How many legs has a Cat?

I was wondering who was the smarter animal. A Cat or an Octopus? I figured that Cats were smarter than Octopuses1 purely because Cats didn't find the need to seek fame and fortune by predicting the outcome of football matches.

However, I decided to put it to the test. Could my Cat predict the National Lottery Result
2? I seemed a reasonable question. I spread 49 playing cards on the floor and called the Cat.

"Cat! Get in here please"
"Ah, is my tea ready then?"
"No, go and pick 6 cards from the floor first"

She sniffed the cards and looked at me.

"Hmm, which draw is this for then?"
"Um, good point, Saturday?"
"I'll tell you Sunday, where's my tea then?

1octopuses, octopi and octopodes


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