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Part The First. (Tuesday) 08:50 Arrive at work via lift from wife. 08:52 "Um, hello Mercedes dealer, I've broken a stud in the turbo on my smart roadster, can you fix please?" "(sigh) I suppose so, bring it in tomorrow." "Ah. I can't drive it 'cos it ain't got no exhaust on it." "Err, do you want to take advantage of the smart recovery service? Here's the number." 08:54 *ring*. Explain. Counter-explain about costing money and AA Recovery service. 08:55 *ding* Text. "Hello it's the AA here we'll be at your house at 09:05" 08:55 and 30 seconds. "Sh*t, give us the keys to the beamer pool car! Gotta go!" 09:05 *ring*. "It's the AA man, where are you?" 09:05 and 30 seconds. Wave to AA man. AA man puts roadster on trailer. 09:20 Drive back to work. 10:00 *ring* "It's Mercedes, your car's just arrived, we'll take a look at it now, not tomorrow." 10:30 *ring* "It...