Don't worry, I have nothing better to do
I got a call earlier from the Assistant Warehouse Manager today. "My boss tells me that he's not getting any emails from the Heath & Safety System. He thinks he may be set-up as Michael.Surname , not Mike.Surname . Can you have a look please? He's not in today." I check the database. Nope, he's definitely Mike.Surname , so what's the problem? I check another older system just in case the mail is going via that route. That involves logging onto a remote server and waiting a bit for the logon. Nope, that's fine too. Bemused, I check the SQL that sends out the mails. I slice out the appropriate part and run it:- " To: mike.surname . Subject: An accident occurred " So, that's not the issue either. I write a long email showing my investigation, and basically, I have no idea. Is he receiving any email at all? *ring* *ring* "Hello, I'll just log onto his PC and check to see if he's getting any mail at all." ...