How many legs has a Cat?
I was wondering who was the smarter animal. A Cat or an Octopus? I figured that Cats were smarter than Octopuses 1 purely because Cats didn't find the need to seek fame and fortune by predicting the outcome of football matches. However, I decided to put it to the test. Could my Cat predict the National Lottery Result 2 ? I seemed a reasonable question. I spread 49 playing cards on the floor and called the Cat. "Cat! Get in here please" "Ah, is my tea ready then?" "No, go and pick 6 cards from the floor first" She sniffed the cards and looked at me. " Hmm , which draw is this for then?" "Um, good point, Saturday?" "I'll tell you Sunday, where's my tea then? 1 octopuses, octopi and octopodes 2 No.