
Showing posts from March, 2011

Shakes head in disbelief

I was helping 1 my 95 year old mother to fill out the online census form when we came across this question: "Have you ever worked?" The answer is of course "yes", Mom worked as a wages clerk and left for good in 1950. We entered 1950 - here's how the form reacted: ...and refused to allow me to submit the form. What do you do? Keep incrementing the year until it works? What's worse - inaccurate data or no data? What a cock-up. Who programmed this? Aren't people supposed to live this long? I ticked "No". 1 Ok, I was filling it out for her. She's 95 for goodness sake!

Minus 2 in the sun...

It's very difficult to describe the Grand Canyon without referring to the Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy's Total_Perspective_Vortex , so I won't. It is however, very big, very big indeed. Enormous. Huge. We flew out in a Dornier 228... ...met Chuck the Coach Driver and Mr Yamamoto, the Japanese translator (don't ask) and then simply marvelled at the jaw-dropping beauty of it all. The pictures simply don't do it justice... Oh alright then...

Holy Cr*p...

As well as the Grand Canyon, one of the highlights of my visit to Las Vegas was a trip to 2900, East Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89121 - otherwise known as "The Gun Store". Expensive, but well worth it IMO. Where else can us Brits get near anything remotely dangerous without going on a week's Health & Safety training course? All the instructors, employees and the cleaner were all "packing heat" and the safety briefing was quite simple: "Point it that way or you're dead." "Posed by model" I fired an AK47 (aka Avtomat Kalashnikova), an IMI Desert Eagle and a Magnum .44 (yes, à la Dirty Harry) I still have "nosseW dna htimS" bruised into my palms. "Not posed by mode l " Epilogue: WW also had a "go", firing the "Ladies Package", which consisted of an AK47 and a Glock. The instructors were brilliant and kindly dismantled the safe end of the range so she could fire in safety whilst sitting in he...


My first grandchild - a boy - was born last night 1st March 2011 at 21:05, weighing in at 8lb 13oz. You can Google for that in mectrickery if you want, I'm old school. Mother and son are just fine. I haven't seem him yet, but my wife went to the hospital very soon after he was born. "He's absolutely gorgeous" she said, "he's got a lovely round face and big hands and feet!" "So, we have a Hobbit as a grandson then?" I slept downstairs.