Old people - iii
Today marks a step forwards into the murky world of the retired. Yes, I've joined a Whist Drive at my church. I haven't played whist for years, so I thought I'd brush up on the rules and printed them from Wikipedia. Rules include: ". ..against the rules to in any way comment on the cards... " and " One may not signal his partner. ". Now that brings up an interesting point. Imagine the scene - a hushed Church Hall full of pairs intently studying their opposites for the slightest give-away, the steady ticking of the wall clock, the click of the cards being played on the wooden tables and the gentle sharp intake of breath as one pair wins a difficult finesse. And, because you can't signal your partner - "JIM, IT'S YOUR BLOODY GO YOU DEAF BUGGER" Does this mean I've got to the top of the hill and now I'm over it?